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Edale Skyline Challenge!

Location: Peak District National Park
Private Event Available:     March - October

Length:                               1 day

Cost:                                   from £49 per person

Fitness Rating:


This 20-mile circular route will have you up in the hills before you realise it! With over 1400m worth of ascent you will be blessed with striking open moorland and rugged mountain scenery for miles!


Discover the spectacular natural beauty of the Peak District as you hike around this challenging 20-mile route. The route takes you on a high-level adventure across several peaks around the vast and impressive Edale Skyline. Experience some of the best views in the Peak District from the top of Brown Knoll, Mam Tor, Back Tor, Lose Hill and Win Hill as you push yourself on this incredible hiking challenge. 



Risk Management and Safety

Live Well Adventures has solid foundations when planning for potential risk. Our founder has over 18 years worth of experience in the British Army that is utilised and subsequently enables us to conduct high risk activities on a more routine basis. Experience and training for Live Well Adventures staff facilitates appropriate action to be taken under potentially dangerous and stressful conditions.  Along with experience we implement detailed risk assessments recognised by industry that enable us to identify risks and plan to both mitigate them as well as minimise the impact should the need arise.


For more detail on our approach toward safety and how we manage risk please visit our Safety page.    


Our experienced outdoors instructors, personal trainers, nutritionists and expedition leaders can make sure you are well prepared for your Edale Skyline Challenge! We can also provide you with bespoke Fitness and/ or Nutritional Programs to help you prepare for your Challenge - see our Fitness and Nutrition page for more details.  Additional costs apply.

Qualified Outdoors Instructors and First Aid

Our Live Well Adventures staff are appropriately qualified to lead you throughout your Edale Skyline Challenge, and provide you with the level of assurance you want and need. As trained and experienced Outdoors Instructors they are capable of addressing and dealing with multiple situations that may arise - in addition we will provide first aid qualified staff for your Edale Skyline Challenge.  

Kit List

Once you have booked a Edale Skyline Challenge event with us,  we will send you a detailed kit list explaining exactly what kit we recommend you bring. However, please don't hesitate to contact us to discuss any kit requirements prior to making a booking.  

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Whats included
  • Professional Safety & Risk Management

  • Live Well Adventures Mountain Leader(s)

  • First Aid cover

  • Specialist equipment

  • Public Liability Insurance

  • Photos & Videos

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Not included
  • Travel to your Edale Skyline Challenge

  • Travel insurance

  • Personal kit and equipment

Booking or Further information

If you would like more information about our Edale Skyline Challenge, or would like to discuss options, please don’t hesitate to Contact us, we will be happy to help and look forward to hearing from you.   

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